Sunday, September 28, 2008


Sunday ~ September 29, 2008 ***Indian Summer***
...well, kinda. We haven't had a 'killing frost' yet so can it legally be said 'Indian Summer'??? WhatEVer it is, it's really enjoyable! Two flower beds have been downstized and cleaned out...but there are still three others to do; four cords of wood has been split, hauled and stacked under the deck with two more waiting; parsonage still needs finishing touches (mopboards replaced, vents cleaned, window cleaned and blinds hung...), but we have even more time now to do that since the pastor-elect has declined our call; camper will be winterized this week and the cattle panels will be put up for our daughter's dog to come and live with us. This week is our oldest daughter's SS hearing, then we're off to Great Falls to see her bariatric doctor...hoping for some answers there.
AND...I'm dehydrating banana 'chips' right now...pears tonight...borrowed a friends dehydrator and will purchase one of our own since I want to try spagetti, etc. also. Yum! Thinking it'll be easier to have our own dehydrated food for taste-wise rather than buying it with all the perservatives.
Praying people realize the importance of knowing what the candidates stand for...which is more important: money or life??? Think about it!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


September 13, 2008 ~ Saturday
B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L DAY!!! Not a cloud in the sky...low 70's...just my kind of day!
This week has been BUSY...along with crossing and lunch everyday the call papers were to be filled out and sent to our pastor-elect, suggested time of 24 hours from the call meeting. OK...I'm still filling them out after a week...just had trouble getting them downloaded and now a council meeting is needed to make sure all are 'on the same page'. They WILL be sent on Monday. THEN, a week ago our daughter's SSI lawyer called saying her hearing would be in three weeks, so...we met with him on Wednesday...Thursday gave the dr. papers to fill out, before she admitted Kelly to the hospital for pain/nausea/vomiting control and hydration...released today. Monday we need to travel to Plains so Kelly's former dr. can see her and fill out hearing papers. Think I mentioned wood hauling far 1 1/2 cords under the deck with that much more to go at least. Once Jack worked on the splitter and started using it, the hauling went much faster/easier because of the size. It amazes me how well most of the lengths fit together when stacking...God always provides and that's what I think of when I throw a log on another and it just settles in...a nice comfy feeling.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Where has all the summer gone...

Saturday ~ September 6, 2008
It's September!!! BUT...where did summer go???? I want it back...NOW!
So, school has started, the first week is over, AND YES!, no one was hit by a car. That makes me happy since I'm crossing again this year, along with giving the middle schoolers smiles at lunch.
Such a busy time...unloading the camper and cleaning it, bringing wood up to stack under the deck for winter, work, swimming, calling a new pastor. Looking at this there seems to be a lot I still have to do, as in...the majority. Camper will be unloaded tomorrow, but cleaning will have to wait until sometime after 4pm when I'm done with work for the day...wood will have to be done anytime I get unlazy and get a chance... Also, trying to 'sell my wares' at the farmer's is not going well. Then, there is the on-going matter of trying to get our daughter on SSDI, so...we wait... Just hope there is help for her pain soon. Think about this...the worst muscle ache you've ever had...or...the worst cramping diarrhea you've in and day out, minute after minute and second after second, all over her body, with no relief in sight. When John McCain was on the other night they told of his 5 plus year imprisonment and the torture he endured. He'd know what Kelly is going thru.
Speaking of McCain...brings Palin to mind. You know she IS our half governor since we have land in AK:-) I'm quite impressed with her...thinking she doesn't take any guff and she has some very good ideas...I'm thinking they have my vote!