Thursday, October 11, 2007


Not by any stretch of the imagination...BUT we did cut down the two trees in front that were dying. First one fell right where we wanted it. Second one... went the opposite way, after cutting the wedge the way it should go. When we saw it was going the opposite way I held our little 3 year old tree back with a rope, but then let go and moved rather fast, being in the "T-I-M-B-E-R!" path. God protected again...the tree missing anything vital, like the house and car by three feet each. So, now...the clean up, some today, the rest tomorrow afternoon. Sure looks bare out there!
Stink bugs...about a gazillion bark colored around. You know the ones...takes them a whole afternoon to go half way across the sitting and watching you brush your teeth from the top of the mirror...or...the ones that boys BUG girls with by throwing at them. So far, I haven't smelled them, but hear it's not a very pleasant odor. They come in a multitude of stripe or on location.
Bunnies...will be live trapped shortly and taken to a friend's property where they can roam and be happy. They are so fun to watch, eating away with their mom...rolled oats...hay...sunflower seeds.
Stopped by school today for 'the lunch bunch' to see if anything had changed since last year. I'll be working the next two weeks...altho not Monday when our daughter has her first appointment with a different doctor.
Medicare...sounds confusing to me...but we will be delving into it since one of us needs to decide on ins. soon.
Fall colors...are sooo beautiful! We haven't had a really bad frost yet...only 28 degrees a couple nights, so even the larch are late in turning. The mountainsides are now golden, but our tamaracks are just starting to change. Should go on a drive and enjoy...

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