Wednesday, September 5, 2007


September 5 ~ Wednesday ~ sunny!
I HATE GOOD-BY'S!!! Always have, always will... Said good-by to Tanner and Chandler last night...and Janell this morning just before she left for work. Not knowing if we'll be back next year due to some unforeseen circumstance makes it all the harder since they are such awesome friends! *I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. Ephesians 1:16.*
Plans are...leaving shortly for Talkeetna (waiting for Three Bears to open at 10am first)...for one night, then to North Pole for maybe a couple (1-3 days), arriving home in Whitefish by the end of next try to write from North Pole before heading out. Don't know if we'll get to see Paul/Susan and family...left a message last night, but haven't heard back yet.
Asked Janell last night about song birds and she, too, has noticed the lack of them. Just missing their songs in the pre-dawn hour, waking me up, even in the lower level of our home.

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