Saturday, August 25, 2007


August 25 ~ Saturday ~ mostly SUNNY!!!
Left our land about 11am, after visits from Kim and Mark, stopping at the pocket mail site for a voice message from Lindsay stating she'll ride at the Palmer state fair rodeo on Sunday at 2pm. Stopped in Willow for Mat-Su Valley maps (gave one to Mark...the two are for us and Adams'), then on to Fred Meyer in Wasilla to print pictures. Had a L-O-N-G drive to Palmer...due to fair traffic backed up, taking an hour for about 5 miles...WOW! We will leave early tomorrow!!! Jeff and Janell were not at home when we arrived, taking 'our' camping spot for a night or two. We'll greet them when they get home, then give them space as this is Jeff's last night home for three weeks as he'll be guiding for deer, elk and possibly bear in MT during hunting season.
A pleasant mild evening, watching the cloud formations.

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